miércoles, 9 de noviembre de 2016

Special Talents

Well in my personal case, I think I don’t have a real talent like be very good in art or speak other language, BUT I have many weirds and unusable talents! So let’s go to humiliate myself.
A talent I have is I can’t watch many series and movies in a short period of time and if I have Netflix I’m a very dangerous person because I can’t stop, It’s a problem to socialize but I have many topics of conversation. Also I read a lot so besides the histories of movies I have the stories of books in my mind.

Another talent I have is that  my nose it’s very soft, you can move it but that pisses me of so don’t, that it’s a talent with you born it so you have a gelatinous nose or you don’t, I’m a very lucky girl.
Following with my weirds talents I think a good one that I have is I understand people, that is really usable but although that many times I can’t empathize with them so I understand the way the people think to do some actions or say some things or the way they feel but I know if it was my case I would do in a different way, I thought of being a detective for that reason one time but I don’t like the institution so maybe one day I will be a private detective like Benedict Cumberbatch in Sherlock Holmes (see?, many series  in my mind).

Well and for finished with my stupid talents I can make an M with my tongue, I know,  SORRY FOR BEING SO COOL.

1 comentario:

  1. really interesting. Most of people said "I play some instrument" or "im good drawing" but the netflix matter is really cool, I can´t do it... I hope improve myself with that too
